IQ Testing.

CALM DOWN KIDS provides intelligence testing for 3 to 17-year-old children for school acceptance, giftedness, or intellectual disability.

Impact of Intellectual Developmental Disorder

IQ tests can be used for several different reasons. A diagnosis of intellectual disability requires evidence of both intellectual and adaptive behaviors. This exam can also determine if your child is gifted or twice exceptional. Lastly, this assessment is often used for acceptance into private schools. We provide testing for 3-17 years old. For children under 3 years old, see Developmental Assessment.

Working Memory

Short-term manipulation of information in the mind (e.g. mental math for addition).

Processing Speed

How long it takes to think and respond to a prompt.

Verbal Comprehension

Ability to understand and communicate spoken words.

Adaptive Behavior

Conceptual, social, and practical everyday skills to take care of yourself.

Fluid Reasoning

Think logically to solve problems in new situations.

Visual Spatial

Know where things are in space and be able to manipulate them to create something else.



Step 1. Parent Intake

After you have contacted us and we have had a brief phone conversation to ensure that we are in the right place for your needs, we will schedule an in-office interview. During the interview, we can answer all your questions about our policies, pricing, and process. You will be able to express your concerns and questions about your child that you want to be answered in the assessment. We will gather a comprehensive history of your child, and you will complete brief screening questions that will be used to personalize the tests given to your child.


Step 2. Child Assessment

For the testing phase, your child will come into our office for 2-hour increments to conduct assessments appropriate to their developmental needs. You will receive information on how to talk to your child about the evaluation during the intake. The test will focus on your child's intellectual ability. Your child can also ask questions about themselves and engage in a play observation/interview.


Step 3. Scoring & Writing

It may take some time to compile all the information, observations, and test results into a concise document that answers all of your questions about your child. We ask that you be patient with us. We try to complete the report within 1 week of the completed testing.


Step 4. Feedback Session & Results

Finally, it’s time! We will meet with parents/guardians and their children again for the feedback session. We will review the historical data for accuracy, discuss the testing results, and review recommendations for the school, at home, and continuing treatment. You will receive a summary of your child’s symptoms and areas of strength, diagnosis (if applicable), and any additional testing that may need to be done. In a private or joint session, depending on your child’s age and preferences, we will provide a developmentally appropriate summary of your child’s results. A final copy of the assessment will be mailed to you for your records. Please, please, please take this time to ask any questions. We want you to walk out feeling like an expert in what your child needs.

Preparing for Testing Day

  • What should I bring?

    You are welcome to bring some snacks and water for your child to have during breaks. They can bring a special toy that brings them joy or comfort.

  • What can I expect?

    On the day of the appointment, please be sure to look up the address of the office ahead of time. We're a bit tucked away and it's easy to miss the turn. Make sure you can get here on time or a little early.
    When you arrive your psychologist will greet you and your child and walk you both back to the testing room. This is your opportunity to ask any questions. Once your child is comfortably settled into the room you will be asked to leave so that the psychologist can begin the assessment. Your child will be given mini-breaks as needed for snacks and to use the restroom. Once testing is complete the psychologist may have some follow-up questions for you. You will schedule the online parent feedback session before you leave.

  • Why does my child have to go in alone?

    IQ assessments are standardized tests. They must be given in an office with minimal distractions with only the examiner and examinee present to be considered to standard. Your presence would invalidate the standards, and therefore invalidate the scores.

  • What should I tell my child?

    Words like testing and assessment can be triggering for some children who are perfectionistic or big feelers. Instead, let your child know that they will be meeting with a special kind of doctor. Not the kind that gives shots, but the kind that plays. Let them know that they will be doing activities and games with the doctor to teach the doctor all about how your child learns best.

  • What if my child is nervous or worried?

    It's perfectly normal for children to be apprehensive about new situations. If the psychologist feels that the child's nervousness will get in the way of the child being successful, they may engage the child in play for a few minutes to warm them up. If your child needs more time, the therapist will discuss options with you. Your child is welcome to bring a favorite stuffed animal or comforting toy to share with the therapist and have near by during testing.

  • What if my child is sick?

    If your child is not feeling 100% then please let the psychologist know as soon as possible so that the appointment can be rescheduled.


Now scheduling appointments on Sundays.


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2 hours of testing

In-depth review of all domainsScores sent directly to schools30-minute parent feedback

10% non-refundable deposit to hold your spot

+ Achievement


4 hours of testing

Complete IQ AssessmentReview of achievement abilitiesDetailed report with recommendations