Campbell: 669-303-7110 (call/text)

Campbell: 669-303-7110 (call/text)

Next Level Parenting.

CALM DOWN KIDS helps stressed-out parents with upset kids.

Don't wait to begin changing your relationship with your child or teen.


Schedule a call.

Reduce the back-and-forth of phone tag. Schedule a call within the next two weeks.


Discuss your needs.

Speak with a psychologist about your concerns and ask questions about the services offered.


Make things better.

Make a plan for ongoing services and resources. Watch your family transform.

We believe in the power of the parent-child bond in creating healing, resilience, and protecting against future problems.


We support you in becoming the best advocate you can be to improve any disruption in your child’s development.


We work with you to build up your child’s self confidence by setting them up for success and catching their positive efforts.


We can support your family in increasing your understanding of your child’s ability to succeed in school and in the world.


Parent Book Club

Join our monthly workshop and support group for parents.

● Get support from other parents with kids your age● Learn new parenting techniques● A guided practice to improve your parenting skills● Get your questions answered by a licensed psychologist

$100.00per month